I HAD to make a page dedicated to my favorite band ever, Avenged Sevenfold. I have been listening to Avenged since I was a little kid thanks to my dad liking them, but they didn't become my favorite band until I was a bit older. I have seen them live TWICE and both times were absolutley AMAZING!!! I love this band so much so this page is dedicated to them and only them, A7X foREVer.
Zacky V is my favorite member of Avenged. He is an amazing guitar player, and comes up with some of my favorite riffs. He is one of the reasons I started playing guitar and he inspires me to become a better guitar player and person every day. His motto "The best revenge is bettering yourself", has become very important to me as I try and navigate this world and it is something I keep in mind. I also really like Zacky's style and look a lot, especially in the earlier days of the band and I have a massive crush on him.

The Reverend Tholomew Plauge or better known as The Rev is one of the greates drummers to ever grace the planet earth and is my personal favorite drummer. Jimmy was a beast at the drums and his creativity combined with technical ability made him the legend he was. He was an amazing songwriter as well, and was overall an amazing specimen of a human being. Jimmy will always be remebered, and the music he left behind with us will never be forgotten.

Ok Synyster Gates is hands down one of the greatest guitar players of ALL TIME. He can shred like nobody else, every one of his solos just melts your face off!!! He is a sweep picking GOD na d I can only dream of becoming a player as good as him. Just listen to the solo in Nobody, HOW DOES HE DO IT!!! I sometimes don't think he is even human.

ALL HAIL JOHNNY CHRIST. Johnny is a super cool dude and is the perfect bassist, he's there when you need him, he supports the guitarists but when it's time for him to shine he will. I think he has the best stage name out of all of Avenged, I mean Johnny Chirst is just a killer name. Also he has a podcast, and I love a good podacast. Johnny christ is our short king and I will forever be a Johnny Christ fan, ALL HAIL!

Brooks is the newest member of Avenged, and he is the replacement for The Rev. I can honesly say I think he was the best possible choice. He is an INSANE drummer and although no one can ever replace Jimmy, Brooks does a damn good job. I mean on songs like We Love You and Nobody he just kills it, and he does great playing older songs that The Rev wrote that very few people can immulate, I saw him ABSOLUTLEY KILL Blinded in Chains live. I love Brooks, he has been great for this band and I am so happy that he chose to play in Avenged. Also his last name is Wackerman and he plays the drums, thats a pretty sick last name to have.

Last, and most certainly not least we have our frontman, M SHADOWS. Matt is a legend. He is one of the coolest people ever and like a damn superhero in my eyes and has been a huge inspiration to me. His voice is amazing and is definitely super distinct and you either love it or hate, I just so happen to be one of the people who LOVE IT. I really appreciate how he isn't afraid to stand out and do what he wants even if other people might have something to say about it. Oh yeah and I also have a massive crush on him too (I mean how couldn't you??).